Saturday, December 1, 2012

Congo Mamas

Earlier this week, one of the branches at the credit union I work for was robbed.  I found out as I walked into my office that morning. Once I knew that my coworkers were safe, I became angry.  More specifically, angry that someone would threaten and intimidate members of my work family.  As more details have emerged about the incident, my anger with the robbers has grown.  I want justice!  Then this morning, I read an article about Congo Mamas.  

Congo Mamas help victims of rape in the Congo.  The article mentions that 100 women were recently raped in a 4 day period in just one city of eastern Congo.  It's being called the rape capital of the world.  After reading this, I felt the same concern and anger rising up in me that I felt earlier this week after the robbery in Fort Wayne. I felt the same desire for justice and to help those that were hurt. Two events, worlds apart yet the same feelings inside of me.  Ultimately, I think it comes down to me as an individual feeling a connection with the victims.  Even though I don't know the women in the Congo personally, I can connect with them as a woman and now because I believe I'm the mom of a little girl in the Congo.  I have love for the child that hasn't been revealed to me yet.  I want her to be safe and in an environment where rape isn't commonplace and widely accepted.

My hope is that throughout this adoption process, our hearts will continue to be broken for those in need both at home and abroad.  

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